Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June 14th

A date will have to suffice for my title today because I am entirely out of fresh ideas. I know that my posting has been lacking, but due to work, and much desired R&R I have neglected my blog...sorry...

As to my life:

Work at the hospital is good, busy, and rewarding. I am also trying to decide what I want to do with myself after school. Work, an externship, the peace-core, military nursing, immediate grad-school, missions, etc. I one way options are nice to have, but on the whole it only means that now I must decide what I am suppose to do.

As a random side note....I think that I may have finally come to a revelation as to why abilities such as vocials, instruments, dance, etc are so appealing to us as humans. I believe that every person has emotions that are initiated by the hearing, seeing, smelling, or experiencing; these emotions - a built in responce, a trait of the Father - long to be expressed. Singing, dancing, playing are direct expressions of emotion, and thereby allow all to enter into a place of worship/holy expression of love to a Heavenly King. What an awsome responsiblity the Lord has given those individuals, and yet do we not all have giftings that can somehow or another express our feelings? Emotion gives passion to actions, and reaches out to others. Ok, enough random

More later!


Jess said...

Deep, my dear...very deep. I love your insights. How did this come to you? I wish I was a deep thinker like you. :)

And I must say you just crack me up. Externships! Ha ha!!!!

Thank you again for your graduation present, even though it didn't work out quite the way we had hoped. It was a hugely fun day and I thank you for spending it with me. Hope your bum feels better after tolerating an English saddle all arvo! LOL!

OH that reminds me; I must send you pictures! My camera phone would be no good if I did not send you pictures! :)

Much love! Talk soon!

Jess said...

OH CLA-AIR!!!!! When, oh when, shall we receive another post???

:D :D :D

brideofheaven said...

Hey girl!!! It seriously has been much too long since I last talked to you. How have you been??? I would love to catch up with you soon. The best place to leave comments for me in on my xanga site.

I'll write you more later! Love ya!