Monday, April 17, 2006

Oh, Sunny Day!

I hope that you all had a fabulous Easter, mine was nice enough although I wish that I would have gotten to go to a Sunrise Service; they are my favorite. I love really early on a summer morning when there is just a hint of coolness in the air and mist kinda hides the sun...Not to mention it gives me a really good excuse to go hang out in a graveyard. I mean at anyother time of year I would just be considered strange, but Easter, its tradition! :-) It is so fun to go read all the names of dead people, especially if it says something interesting on the stone. Just for your information if you die please put something worth reading on your stone, otherwise Jess 1 and I will make up really interesting stories about you... I mean think about all those people, and Jess 1 and I are probably the only people who ever cared to look at their grave...apart from the actually funeral itself. Anyway, while I'm on the topic of graveyards there is a really neat one at home that has this mosoleum (spelling?) which contains an entire family, and Jess 1 and I had a blast the other summer, trying to piece together who died first and who was related to who and how. Yeah I know were strange, but come on perhapes it is the authors in us, but I like to imagine people's life stories. Ok, enough of dead people...sorry...


Ahh yes, beautiful summer weather has finally reached my happy home, and now I'm ready to leave. My perfect temperature is about 75 degrees, and unfortunately we were at about 90 degrees the past two days...way too hot for me. I guess it is nice though to through on a t-shirt and not have to wear a jacket in the morning, but still I wish it would just stay a tad cooler...

Ok, well since I'm at the computer lab, and there is a line I should sign off.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days..."

Due to the fact that I could sense impending doom were I not to post an update soon, I have finally gotten around to it. Afterall, I have been productive today, and thought I would contiue with a posting.

Well, school is school, and fortunately it is wrapping up. We are all registered for classes next year, and unfortunately I will have to be up at 5 am three days a good thing, we finish our last week of clinical this week (YEAH), and have our lab final next week. Then before I know it I'll be done!!! It is hard to believe, it flies by...

Today I've been cooking up a storm for a family in our church whose mom is having a baby in 6 weeks, and is on bedrest (well...suppose to be at least). Anyway, I am taking dinner this wednesday and next. I love to cook but it is just not the same cooking for yourself, so I was very excited to have people to cook for. I made choc. chip cookies, stuffied shells, corn, and garlic bread, yummy! I have had so much fun, and my roomy is excited to try it too.

Oh, yeah, how could I forget...I'm 21 now!!! Yea!!! Lol... I guess me and Jesus can turn water into wine now...legally, although I definately think that the drinking age is nonexistent in that part of the world. Oh well, random thoughts from my mind.

More later...