Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ultrasound Day!!

I almost forgot - but today we find out if Niblet is pregnant! Hopefully we'll have some great puppies waiting to be born in March!! I'll let everyone know when Molly emails me.

Haha, oh one of my friends at work said I should name him "Little Dipper" to keep with the constellation theme. That would be hilarious to have a 130lb dog named Little Dipper...I'm just saying!

Late Music Monday, and Vacation News!


Hope you liked the clip - it made me chuckle!! I know that its late, but yesterday I had classes at work allllllll day. I got home around 10:30pm, and went to bed.

As for vacation - I have my dates off work for the vacation!! We're going to go to England, Scotland, and Ireland hopefully the second week of April for 10 whole days! It should be a blast!! I'm going with three other girls from work who I hang out with. My only concern, hehe one of the girls is going to get us a cheap ticket, because her dad works for the airline. However, the catch is that those tickets would be standby seats...which means that we wouldn't have confirmed seats. Now I think I'd be a little more okay with that if it was just me or even just two of us going. I just think it might be a little unlikely that all four of us will get on all the flights together. Hmm, maybe that is part of the adventure and I should roll with it. Maybe we'll just go two and two hoping for the best. I'll let you know!! It's going to be a crazy trip!

I'll have to update you after my first watercolor class today!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well, my neck is "normal". I think I'm slightly disappointed that there wasn't something visibly wrong, that gave me a reason for the issues. However, I guess on the same note it is great that I don't have arthritis or something else going on. So, we're going to try some physical therapy to strengthen my neck so I don't have to spend my life and life savings at the chiropractor and massage therapists.

I went this morning and got all signed up for my first ever watercolor painting class!! I'm excited! It's every week on Tuesday, and it starts super basic. I'm hoping that there are classes every semester, because I also would love to take the book making class. There are all sorts of options, and I'll keep you filled in!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


If only it was a touch warmer! I'd be sitting outside enjoying the thunder and rain, but it is still a little on the cold side. Instead, I'm sitting on the couch talking to you.

So I gave my sister's boy a painting of waves like he'd asked me to make for him, and if I do say so myself it was awesome for my first wave attempt. However, haha he wants another one that "isn't as bright". He wants a sepia colored wave painting. Now...I told him that brown waves will be ubber hard to accomplish, and I'm not even sure how I'm going to do it - actually it might end up looking like there was a code brown as SFL likes to call it. I'll have to keep you updated!!

On a new note, I went to the Dr. today about my neck issues - mainly because poor little SFL doesn't ask for much, but he did ask for this...soooo fineeeee. Now I think my Dr. is awesome and he listened to me, and was very sincere. Being in the medical field though, I know he must have been thinking "she is retarded". I did get some x-rays done though, and I'm very curious to hear how they looked tomorrow. He wanted to see if I had some arthritis, etc going on.

Oh!! Guess what! I'm loving me some day shift - and this weekend will be my first full weekend. Earlier last week I worked last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday then I turned around and worked Sunday day shift. Ah, but now its onto something new!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Delay to Music Monday


I just got back from an awesome day in the mountains, where we went Go-Karting, Miniature Golfing, and Jamming in the car with the music blaring. I had to celebrate my final transition to day shift weekends - I mean come on now I get to be a normal person!! WOOT! ;-) To further that celebration I'm going to sit back watch a movie with a giant plate of lasagna and a glass of apple strawberry wine.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Poor SFL

Little SLF is sick with a cold. He would appreciate extra doses of love and affection during his illness. ;-) He'll thank me later.

Since he complained so much about the new music Monday song version, I thought that I'd post the original for him.


Mmm, I'm starting to try and get packed for my vacation trip with the parental guidance's in a couple weeks, and due to the rock hunting nature of the trip I got some heavy duty clothes. My new awesomeness overalls dooooo make me look slightly like an abominable snowman as WOT describes it. However, it does give me permission to wear overalls!!! WOOT! I'm just saying - I'm hoping for an ice age so I can wear my overalls all the time...;-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Music Kung Fu Monday!!

I wanted a little more video from the Kung Fu Panda movie, which is super cute, but this clip was the best I found. Enjoy!!! I hope that your Monday is awesome!


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Final Countdown!

Two more weeks till night shift is over! Can I hear an amen? WOOT! Yup, in a couple weeks I start weekend day shift, and my body is excited.

I'm actually starting again to look for a new house...gahhhhhhhh. I'm not very excited about it, but it doesn't hurt to look. I do have to remember too that by the Fall I'll not longer have a roomie at all, seeing as we're marrying off DOT. We'll see, I'll keep you updated.

Yesterday I went for a walk...and slightly regreted it. It's been in the teens for temperature, and with my cold I've been cooped up in the house for over a week. Sooooo, I went for a walk. I needed some air!! All bundled up I felt like a mummy, but by the time I got back to the house my legs were on fire, and I couldn't feel my cheeks or nose. Haha, sad times! Actually, I love it being this cold I just wish I had a fire place, and we had snow!!!!!

Okay, off to a 4 hour work in service about some new cardiac support for heart transplant patients, and also on infection prevention....Time to actually get dressed!!

Monday, January 04, 2010

Music Monday!!

Rise and shine all my little bloggers! It is a freezing morning I know, so I thought I would find you something to warm you up. If you get to spend the morning curled up on the couch then here is a great music video clip.

My cold is still sticking around, but only two more weeks of night shift!!!! I've continued to break out the paints, although I've left oils be for the time being because clean up is so hard. I did get some actual canvas board, and it is so much nicer to paint on! Unfortunately, its more expensive than watercolor paper - therefore, the majority of my doodling happens on paper. I do take suggestions for material ;-).

Well, good morning all my little peeps!!!



Saturday, January 02, 2010

Ring Time

Don't get the wrong idea here, there is no such ring anywhere near my hand. However, DOT has got herself a nice new shiny. I guess that means I will have to dust off my social skills, dancing skills, and crowd moderator skills. I'll let you know how it goes....